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Line plots
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Line plots

In [1]:
from plotnine import (
from import meat

geom_line() connects the dots, and is useful for time series data.

In [2]:
date beef veal pork lamb_and_mutton broilers other_chicken turkey
0 1944-01-01 751.0 85.0 1280.0 89.0 NaN NaN NaN
1 1944-02-01 713.0 77.0 1169.0 72.0 NaN NaN NaN
2 1944-03-01 741.0 90.0 1128.0 75.0 NaN NaN NaN
3 1944-04-01 650.0 89.0 978.0 66.0 NaN NaN NaN
4 1944-05-01 681.0 106.0 1029.0 78.0 NaN NaN NaN

Make it tidy.

In [3]:
meat_long = meat.melt(
    value_vars=["beef", "veal", "pork", "lamb_and_mutton", "broilers", "turkey"],

date animal weight
0 1944-01-01 beef 751.0
1 1944-02-01 beef 713.0
2 1944-03-01 beef 741.0
3 1944-04-01 beef 650.0
4 1944-05-01 beef 681.0

First try

In [4]:
p = (
    ggplot(meat_long, aes(x="date", y="weight"))
    + geom_line()

It looks crowded because each there is more than one monthly entry at each x-point. We can get a single trend line by getting a monthly aggregate of the weights.

In [5]:
meat_long_monthly_agg = meat_long.groupby("date").agg({"weight": "sum"}).reset_index()
date weight
0 1944-01-01 2205.0
1 1944-02-01 2031.0
2 1944-03-01 2034.0
3 1944-04-01 1783.0
4 1944-05-01 1894.0
... ... ...
955 2023-08-01 9319.1
956 2023-09-01 8586.1
957 2023-10-01 9452.5
958 2023-11-01 8951.1
959 2023-12-01 8555.1

960 rows × 2 columns

A Single Trend Line

In [6]:
    ggplot(meat_long_monthly_agg, aes(x="date", y="weight"))
    + geom_line()

Add some style

In [7]:
# Gallery, lines
    ggplot(meat_long_monthly_agg, aes(x="date", y="weight"))
    + geom_line()
    # Styling
    + scale_x_datetime(date_breaks="10 years", date_labels="%Y")
    + theme_538()

Or we can group by the animals to get a trend line for each animal

Multiple Trend Lines

In [8]:
    ggplot(meat_long, aes(x="date", y="weight", group="animal"))
    + geom_line()
    # Styling
    + scale_x_datetime(date_breaks="10 years", date_labels="%Y")
    + theme_538()

Make each group be a different color.

In [9]:
# Gallery, lines
    ggplot(meat_long, aes(x="date", y="weight", color="animal"))
    + geom_line()
    # Styling
    + scale_x_datetime(date_breaks="10 years", date_labels="%Y")
    + theme_538()

A Trend Line Per Facet

Plot each group on a separate panel. The legend is no longer required and we adjust to the smaller panels by reducing the size of the line, size of the text and the number of grid lines.

In [10]:
# Gallery, lines
def titled(strip_title):
    return " ".join(s.title() if s != "and" else s for s in strip_title.split("_"))

    ggplot(meat_long, aes("date", "weight", color="animal"))
    + geom_line(size=.5, show_legend=False)
    + facet_wrap("animal", labeller=titled)
    + scale_x_datetime(date_breaks="20 years", date_labels="%Y")
    + labs(
        y="Weight (million pounds)",
        title="Meat Production"
    + theme_538(base_size=9)