
    fill=("#AAAAAA", "#CCCCCC"),
    extend=(0, 1),

Alternating stripes, centered around each label.

Useful as a background for geom_jitter.


fill : Sequence[str] = ("#AAAAAA", "#CCCCCC")

List of colors for the strips.

fill_range : Literal["auto", "cycle", "no", "nocycle"] = "auto"

How to fill stripes beyond the range of scale:

"cycle"      # keep cycling the colors of the
             # stripes after the range ends
"nocycle"    # stop cycling the colors of the
             # stripes after the range ends
"auto"       # "cycle" for continuous scales and
             # "nocycle" for discrete scales.
"no"         # Do not add stripes passed the range
             # passed the range of the scales
direction : Literal["horizontal", "vertical"] = "vertical"

Orientation of the stripes

extend : TupleFloat2 = (0, 1)

Range of the stripes. The default is (0, 1), top to bottom. The values should be in the range [0, 1].

**kwargs : Any = {}

Other aesthetic parameters for the rectangular stripes. They include; alpha, color, linetype, and size.