
coord_equal(ratio=1, xlim=None, ylim=None, expand=True)

Cartesian coordinates with fixed relationship between x and y scales


ratio : float = 1

Desired aspect_ratio (:math:y/x) of the panel(s).

xlim : tuple[float, float] = None

Limits for x axis. If None, then they are automatically computed.

ylim : tuple[float, float] = None

Limits for y axis. If None, then they are automatically computed.

expand : bool = True

If True, expand the coordinate axes by some factor. If False, use the limits from the data.


To specify aspect ratio of the visual size for the axes use the aspect_ratio themeable.

ggplot(data, aes('x', 'y')) + theme(aspect_ratio=0.5)

When changing the aspect_ratio in either way, the width of the panel remains constant (as derived from the plotnine.themes.themeable.figure_size themeable) and the height is altered to achieve desired ratio.