
theme_tufte(base_size=11, base_family=None, ticks=True)

Tufte Maximal Data, Minimal Ink Theme

Theme based on Chapter 6 Data-Ink Maximization and Graphical Design of Edward Tufte The Visual Display of Quantitative Information. No border, no axis lines, no grids. This theme works best in combination with geom_rug.

The default font family is set to “serif” as he uses serif fonts for labels in The Visual Display of Quantitative Information. The serif font used by Tufte in his books is a variant of Bembo, while the sans serif font is Gill Sans. If these fonts are installed on your system, consider setting them explicitly via the argument base_family.


base_size : int = 11

Base font size. All text sizes are a scaled versions of the base font size.

base_family : str = None

Base font family. If None, use plotnine.options.base_family.

ticks = True

Whether to show axis ticks.


Tufte, Edward R. (2001) The Visual Display of Quantitative Information, Chapter 6.

Translated from the R ggthemes package by hyiltiz . Released under GNU GPL v2 license or later.