Using precomputed boxplots

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

from plotnine import (
from import pageviews

import warnings

Plotting a boxplot when a dataset fits in memory is simple as shown below:

pageviews['hour'] = pageviews.date_hour.dt.hour
display(f'Dataset contains {pageviews.shape[0]} rows')
'Dataset contains 348 rows'
date_hour pageviews hour
0 2013-02-11 21:00:00 8860.982383 21
1 2013-02-11 22:00:00 8637.474753 22
2 2013-02-11 23:00:00 9020.593099 23
3 2013-02-12 00:00:00 8437.500380 0
4 2013-02-12 01:00:00 9157.399672 1
    + geom_boxplot(aes(x='factor(hour)', y='pageviews'))

But suppose we had 348 million rows in a datastore. This becomes impractical to fetch and compute the boxplot on the fly. Instead we can precompute the aggregate statistics and use that to plot the boxplot directly.

Below we calculate the aggregate statistics in Pandas, but this could also be done in SQL/Pyspark on your datastore of choice. For simplicity, in this example, outliers haven’t been removed before determining aggregate statistics.

def q25(x):
    return x.quantile(0.25)

def q75(x):
    return x.quantile(0.75)
precomputed_metrics = pageviews.groupby("hour").agg({'pageviews': [np.min, q25, np.median, q75, np.max]})
precomputed_metrics.columns = [col_name[1] for col_name in precomputed_metrics.columns]  
precomputed_metrics = precomputed_metrics.reset_index()
hour min q25 median q75 max
0 0 8437.500380 8842.109077 9297.046035 9600.362430 11762.446233
1 1 8852.123978 9177.938537 9457.821814 10530.072887 11974.437292
2 2 8793.076686 9176.462389 9704.885172 10446.315276 12105.406628
3 3 8683.606449 9574.722286 10615.670464 11290.246605 11651.443193
4 4 8252.974951 9898.998785 10959.909095 11409.657288 11603.711837

A simpler boxplot (without outlier points shown) can then be plotted:

    + geom_boxplot(aes(x='factor(hour)', ymin='min', lower="q25", middle="median", upper="q75", ymax="max"), stat = "identity")