

Ribbon plot


mapping : aes = None

Aesthetic mappings created with aes. If specified and inherit_aes=True, it is combined with the default mapping for the plot. You must supply mapping if there is no plot mapping.

Aesthetic Default value
alpha 1
color 'none'
fill '#333333'
linetype 'solid'
size 0.5
where True

The bold aesthetics are required.

Aesthetics Descriptions


Define where to exclude horizontal regions from being filled. Regions between any two False values are skipped. For sensible demarcation the value used in the where predicate expression should match the ymin value or expression. i.e.

 aes(ymin=0, ymax="col1", where="col1 > 0")  # good
 aes(ymin=0, ymax="col1", where="col1 > 10")  # bad

 aes(ymin=col2, ymax="col1", where="col1 > col2")  # good
 aes(ymin=col2, ymax="col1", where="col1 > col3")  # bad
data : DataFrame = None

The data to be displayed in this layer. If None, the data from from the ggplot() call is used. If specified, it overrides the data from the ggplot() call.

stat : str | stat = "identity"

The statistical transformation to use on the data for this layer. If it is a string, it must be the registered and known to Plotnine.

position : str | position = "identity"

Position adjustment. If it is a string, it must be registered and known to Plotnine.

na_rm : bool = False

If False, removes missing values with a warning. If True silently removes missing values.

inherit_aes : bool = True

If False, overrides the default aesthetics.

show_legend : bool | dict = None

Whether this layer should be included in the legends. None the default, includes any aesthetics that are mapped. If a bool, False never includes and True always includes. A dict can be used to exclude specific aesthetis of the layer from showing in the legend. e.g show_legend={'color': False}, any other aesthetic are included by default.

raster : bool = False

If True, draw onto this layer a raster (bitmap) object even ifthe final image is in vector format.

outline_type : Literal["upper", "lower", "both", "full"] = "both"

How to stroke to outline of the region / area. If upper, draw only upper bounding line. If lower, draw only lower bounding line. If both, draw both upper & lower bounding lines. If full, draw closed polygon around the area.

**kwargs : Any = {}

Aesthetics or parameters used by the stat.